Monday, August 8, 2016

Painting, Photographing, and Touring Sevilla, Spain with Scott Williams and Niki Gulley

Sevilla, Spain: Andalusia Art Trek
Mini orange tree, Sevilla • 12" x 9" oil painting by Niki Gulley

Plein Air Painting and Photography Workshop Led by Niki Gulley and Scott Williams

After enjoying Granada, Spain, our Art Trek group continued onto the Moorish city of Sevilla. Full of energy and history, we savored all that the Andalusian capital has to offer, starting with a horse-drawn carriage  ride around the old city, then onto a fabulous dinner, and ending with photographing and viewing the romantic cathedral and city at night.

Carriage rides around Sevilla

Next summer we will be leading three different Art Treks to Tuscany, England and Ireland. So if you've always dreamed of painting, photographing and sightseeing in Europe, please join us for one of these amazing trips! See details at

Please check out my website at to see more of my contemporary impressionist landscape oil paintings.

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